— A Place Called Home —
Community Connection
June 6, 2023
TOO MANY CHILDREN IN LOS ANGELES don’t have access to the resources or education that can enable them to realize their dreams. Founded in 1993 to provide safety, love and support for youth ages eight to mid-20s, A Place Called Home now provides holistic wraparound services for 1,000 active members and their families.
We spoke with Maggie Stillman from APCH, to get insights into the organization's amazing work and vision for our city's future. Read on to learn more.
N2N: How do you think nonprofits are important to LA’s future?
Nonprofit organizations are crucial as we work toward a more equitable future for LA. Through our work, we are interacting directly with people and communities most in need, assessing and addressing the issues affecting them. Nonprofits are a direct pathway to understanding the real issues that people are facing and the specific, tangible things that will make a difference.
Not to mention, they’re a big part of LA’s economic future. A 2019 study found that nonprofits bring more than $40 million into California each year and 1 in 14 jobs are at nonprofit organizations. Not only are we doing the work to create change, but we are bringing in much of the revenue that makes it possible.
N2N: What are your hopes for the future of LA?
We envision a world where your zip code does not determine your future; where all children have the opportunity to find happiness and success in life. Our hope for the future of LA is that resources that we provide at APCH are built into the fabric of our community; that all young people have access to this support and to the resources they need to thrive, not just those who come to APCH.

N2N: Are there any ideas you have that you believe could help LA to become more sustainable and community-oriented?
At APCH, we believe that one of the most important things folks can do is get involved! We work with our young people on service projects, community cleanups, civic engagement, and more, encouraging them to seek out opportunities to participate and use their voices. When you’ve got a stake in the game, you’re going to work to take care of it and to improve it, and ultimately that’s how change will be made.
N2N: Do you have any stories of positive interactions you've recently had with your local community?
We’ve got so many stories to share, but one that stands out recently is our College Announcement Day celebration. We gathered with our APCH members, staff, family and friends to celebrate our APCH seniors who are going off to college in the fall.
The event is always a momentous occasion because many of our members are the first in their families to go to college. Due to a lack of resources and information, we often also hear from our young people that college was never thought of as a tangible possibility. But, when they come to APCH, we are able to fill in the gaps through our Higher Education and Shaheen Scholarship programs, and support them in pursuit of their degrees.
This year we’ve got members heading off to study nursing, criminal justice, culinary arts, and even astrophysics! We are truly so proud and can’t wait to see all that they’ll accomplish in the future.
How You Can Pitch In
Refer A Business
Let us know about your favorite local business. We’ll donate $10 to A Place Called Home for each recommendation.
APCH has many hands-on and remote/virtual volunteer opportunities. For more information and to volunteer, email volunteer@apch.org, or go to:
APCH is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Visit: www.apch.org/give
In-kind donations:
APCH accepts in-kind product and program supporting service donations. Please email inkind@apch.org
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